All Archive Titles articles – Page 162

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    Lift-monitoring software


    LiftStore’s web-based CMS Anywhere system provides all lift management information over a simple web browser, accessible by authorised personnel from anywhere in the world.

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    Wish you were here?


    I am grateful to my old pal “Carbon Coach” Dave Hampton for highlighting the quality of sustainable design that is currently going on in Australia.

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    Thanks for giving us a laugh


    David Hampton’s letter (Sustainability starts at home, BSj 1/08) has caused much delight here in Australia.

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    Let’s get on with saving the planet


    Despite their opposing views, David Strong (BSj 12/07) and JHR Hampson (Letters, BSj 01/08)) both seemed to consider Sustainable Building Institute a good name for a new institute for those keen to “save the planet”.

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    New reader from fdi


    Access control specialist FDI’s new IP65- rated Proxter readers can be connected using just three wires.

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    ‘Sustainable’ sounds expensive


    I have read with concern the view in BSj that CIBSE should call itself the Sustainable Building Institute or CIBSustE, CIBSE for short, and now in the latest newsletter that we are thinking of joining the Society of the Environment.

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    How to make economics stack up


    In the articles “Making water work”on water recycling and “This is ground control” on geothermal systems (BSj 01/08), the inference is that the pay-back time and/or the capital cost of the installations, plus the risks, are not beneficial to the clients.

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    Network digital video recorder


    The Mirasys Network Video Recorder software can run between one and 5000 cameras.

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    Make it d for design


    A new name, maybe?

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    Heating controllers meet eu.bac standards


    Desigo RXC terminal unit controllers from Siemens Building Technologies are claimed to far exceed the European Building Automation and Controls Association certification requirements to maintain their simulated control temperature to within +/- 1.4ºC under varying load conditions in both heating and cooling cycles.

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    Life coaching


    In the final part of his series on carbon footprints, Toby Balson looks at the benefits of life-cycle assessment in construction projects. The results aren’t always what you’d expect.

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    CIBSE name isn’t the problem


    I disagree with Dr Strong’s opinion (BSj 12/07) that the “serious and worsening skills crisis” is due to CIBSE’s name and a lack of knowledge among the public about what being a building services engineer entails.

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    Electricity generation could supply carbon-reduced heating


    Waste heat from electricity generation could be a vast source of low- or zero-carbon heating for our cities, argues William Orchard

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    Carbon footprint calculators


    Encraft has launched series of software tools to be incorporated into company websites to help customers better understand micro-generation.

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    Burning issues


    Sustainability and fire-resistance are both desirable qualities in a building. The trouble is, they’re not always compatible, as Steve Cooper explains

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    Connecting to the electricity network: a BSJ guide


    Getting a development connected to the electricity network can seem a daunting task. In this month’s engineering services cost model, Davis Langdon Mott Green Wall provides some guidelines to the process

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    Make the best of it


    Intelligent infrastructure management systems allow businesses to make better use of the IT they already have, says Roddy Adams

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    Consider australian model


    As a relatively long-standing member of the institution, who has experienced the numerous name changes since the Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, I was bemused by the opinion proffered by Dr David Strong, proposing Sustainable Building Institute.

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    Going nuclear: the questions members should be asking


    CIBSE members should be taking a much more proactive stand on the nuclear issue, which threatens to deprive the sustainable building sector of funding for decades to come.

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    Integrated access


    Paxton Access has integrated its Net2 network access control with Horizon, the time-and-attendance solution from Thinking Software.