All Archive Titles articles – Page 128

  • Julian Baggini - Complaint
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    Read this!


    Complaint: From Minor Moans to Principled Protests By Julian Baggini

  • Stag sculpture built from conventional scaffolding by artist Ben Long
    Archive Titles

    Stag party


    No, this isn’t a breach of health and safety, but the latest in a series of temporary sculptures built from conventional scaffolding by artist Ben Long in the Elephant & Castle.

  • Archive Titles

    Safety in numbers


    A radical reappraisal of the ventilation strategy for nuclear reprocessing plants in the 1980s fed into the design of the next generation. Ray Doig looks at the consequences for energy use, waste and emissions – and the safety of staff and the public

  • Archive Titles

    Who’s moved where?


    This month

  • CM Mug
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    Mug of the month


    The editorial staff at Construction Manager have been telling me for a while that it’s time to introduce a new feature to the back page.

  • Battersea Power Station
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    The month...


    ... in pictures

  • Archive Titles

    The month...


    ... in words

  • Archive Titles

    The month...


    ... in numbers

  • Archive Titles

    Staying in the loop


    Climate change may be good news for the ground source heat pump industry but significant challenges still lie ahead, as a recent conference highlighted.

  • Archive Titles

    Need to know


    This month

  • Keith Pickavance
    Archive Titles

    Our man in hong kong


    Based in the Far East, new CIOB president Keith Pickavance brings an international persepective to the role

  • Archive Titles

    Super heroes


    Has the UK government finally made a bold commitment to green energy? Its long- awaited renewable energy strategy, could see up to 15% of Britain’s needs, or about 35% of its electricity, met from renewable sources by 2020.

  • Archive Titles

    Health and safety help


    The CIOB has teamed up with Croner to publish a health and safety handbook, designed to give construction businesses the legal and management information required to run safely and efficiently.

  • Archive Titles

    UK policy goes with the wind


    Government plans to boost on-shore wind power generation 30-fold to meet EU targets

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    Platinum Green Mark rating for Fusionopolis


    Singapore’s Fusionopolis Phase 2B science building is set to achieve a Platinum Green Mark rating – the Building and Construction Authority’s highest standard.

  • Bahrain Bay
    Archive Titles

    The foreign legion


    As the credit crunch starts to bite at home and talk of skills shortages and an undersupply of contractors turns to talk of redundancies and falling order books, the still-booming economies of China, Russia, India and the Middle East have never looked more appealing. Eleanor Cochrane spoke to five construction ...

  • Archive Titles

    Facilities management training should focus on operational skills


    Operational services engineers will be most sought after in an industry already beset by skills shortages

  • Then the 1m x 2m glass panels are installed
    Archive Titles

    Endless Summer


    Fitzpatrick is overseeing hundreds of workers and complex earthworks to build 92 ha of greenhouses that will supply tomatoes year round.

  • Archive Titles

    Eco-towns may be wide of the mark


    Question: When is an eco-town not an eco-town? Answer: When it’s an eco-town.

  • Archive Titles

    Landlords get eco subsidy


    Rented homes are set to become more energy efficient after the government’s plans to extend the Landlord’s Energy Saving Allowance were approved by the European Commission.