All Arbitration and litigation articles
City Inn vs Shepherd: How much sand is a snowstorm worth?
Let’s delve deeper into City Inn vs Shepherd. At first glance, it looks like the three appeal judges came to different conclusions on relevant events. Look again …
On turning a blind eye: Traditional Structures vs HW Construction
If you notice that a supplier has mistakenly failed to charge for an item on their tender, can you accept the price, keep shtoom and then hold them to it?
City Inn vs Shepherd: Have you seen the contractor’s behind?
If a storm and a contractor both delay a project, is the contractor eligible for an extension? This ancient problem has just had another going over in the Scottish Court of Appeal
Crowley Civil Engineers vs Rushmoor council: Claiming a contribution
Out Fenwick Elliott expert describes a dispute over an open space in Hampshire
Time is of the essence
In this case of Sunshine Ventures and Rashmith Thakar vs Hussein Kurdieh, the judge had to decide whether ’urgency’ is sufficient ground to terminate a contract
Supablast vs Story Rail: How many contracts?
Our Fenwick Elliott expert discusses a dispute over a Merseyside railway bridge
Always check the paperwork: Keith Lamming vs Revenue & Customs
Our Fenwick Elliott experts run through the case of Keith Lamming vs Revenue & Customs Commissioners
Watersheds vs Costa and Gentleman: Guarantees and misrepresentation
Our Fenwick Elliott expert discusses a case of two company directors who wanted to raise finance to expand their business
Indemnity costs: Colour Quest vs Total and Hertfordshire Oil Storage
A Fenwick Elliott expert discusses the aftermath of a fire at an oil storage depot
Bole vs Huntsbuild and Money: Defective Premises Act 1972
Fenwick Elliott discusses a case involving a house in Cambridgeshire
Amec vs Universal Steels: Withholding documents as bargaining tool
Fenwick Elliott discusses a case in which Amec tried to obtain an injuction to make Universal deliver quality assurance document
Brookfield vs Foster and HOK Sport: Reviewing obligations
Fenwick Elliott discussed yet another dispute that has arisen from the Wembley stadium project
Furmans Electrical Contractors vs Elecref: working hours
Fenwick Elliott discusses a dispute over reasonable payment for hours of work