How did housing and regeneration add up during 10 years of Tony Blair? Stuart Macdonald does the sums…

Value of buy-to-let mortgages in 1998 and today?
£5.4bn and £94.8bn

Biggest regeneration project in 1997 and today?
London Docklands £4bn and The London Olympics £9.3bn

Average UK house price in 1997 and today?
£91,425 in 1997 and £223,658 in 2006

Number of housing growth areas in 1997 and number today?
0 and 33

Two million homes failed the decent homes standard in 1997; now one million

Amount invested in social housing repairs since 1997?

231,000 UK council homes transferred to a housing association between 1988 and 1997; and 821,000 have transferred since 1997

Number of pieces of planning legislation and guidance since May 1997?
About 200

Number of UK homes sold under right to buy by 1997 was 1.3m Number sold in England between April 1998 and April 2007 427,156

Number of social/affordable homes built in 1997 and today?
28,554 in 1997/8 and 24,393 in 2005/6

Percentage of homes built on brownfield land in 1997 and today?
56% in 1997 and 74% today

Number of homes built in the UK in 1997 and today?
190,745 completed in 1997/8 and 213,717 completed in 2005/6

Percentage of pupils leaving school with three or more GCSEs at A-C in 1997 and today?
45.1% of 15-year-olds achieved 5 a-c grades in 1997; 58.5% achieved similar results in 2006

Percentage of planning permissions granted within eight weeks?
62% 1997 and 81% in 2005/06

Number of dwellings per hectare in 1997 and today?
25 in England in 1997 and 40 in 2006

Number of ASBOs in 1997 and number today?
0 and 9749 in England and Wales by end of 2005

Number of children below the poverty line in 1997 and today?
4.2m and 3.8m

Percentage of unemployed in 1997 and today?
7.2% in 1997 and 5.5% today