The article ‘A WEEE warning’ in your June issue (page 45) suggests that among the products covered by the legislation is “lighting equipment including electric light bulbs and household luminaires”.

However, the European Directive and the UK legislation states, under the heading Lighting equipment: luminaires for fluorescent lamps with the exception of luminaires in households and other lighting equipment for the purposes of spreading or controlling light with the exception of filament bulbs.

Clearly the full wording is contrary to the impression given in your article. How could this have occurred? I would draw your attention to the DTI guidance notes issued in February this year where the product heading has been expanded from the Directive to become Lighting equipment (including electric light bulbs and household luminaires). Below that is the same wording as quoted above, so I suspect the author only read the heading and not the full description. Perhaps the DTI guidance would be more helpful if the addition in brackets started with excluding, rather than including.