All articles by Alex Smith – Page 30

  • Features

    The big freeze


    Winter is coming for the UK construction industry, and Building's latest national survey reveals that only regions with a large amount of public sector work can hope to avoid the worst of the blizzards.

  • Features

    Treading water


    It's a little tougher at the top, according to the 2001 Hays Montrose/Building executive salary guide. But with salaries static, many companies are sweetening the pill with increased perks. Victoria Madine and Alex Smith peer into the wage envelope.

  • Features

    Fit to burst?


    Contractors' salaries in the UK have continued to inflate this year, according to the 2001 Hays Montrose/Building guide. But slowing growth in Ireland points to an industry-wide downturn in the offing …

  • Features

    Turn that down!


    Housebuilders and manufacturers are less than delighted with the beefed-up Part E. But will the proposals really hurt their businesses?