11:20AM Edmund Nuttal consultant found to be twice over legal alcohol limit at time of car crash

A QS who died in a car accident has been found to have been twice over the legal limit for alcohol. Bongani Maceba, a 27-year old South African, had been working for Edmund Nuttall.

His accident occurred in the early hours of Sunday, 19 November last year in Cadney, North Lincolnshire on the C259 road. According to local reports, Maceba lost control of his Peugot 206 and veered into the River Ancholme.

A post mortem found that he had died from drowning and that he had 182mgs of alcohol in 100mls of blood. The legal limit for alcohol when driving is 80mgs.

Grimbsy and North Lincolnshire coroner Stewart Atkinsin said Maceba’s death was due to driver error, alcohol and a slippery road due to weather conditions.

A verdict of accidental death was delivered.

Maceba lived in Cadney.