10:00AM Business software developer designs free guide to find best accountancy software

Business and accounting software developer Access Accounting and publisher Wiley have produced Accounting Software for Dummies. The free guide has been designed to help organisations cut through the growing complexity of choosing the right accounting system.

Access Accounting managing director John Beech said: “Most organisations change their software on average every seven years. It is usually the FD, in conjunction with the MD, that makes the final decision but with their busy schedules it is impossible for them to keep abreast of the advancements in business and accounting technologies. This guide embraces the ethos of dummies, taking a light-hearted approach yet is packed with valuable information and advice.”

The guide is aimed at businesses that know their accounting needs and what they want from a software package, but require up-to-date information on the essential elements of choosing and implementing a system.

The publication includes sections on ‘Ten Accounting Software Pitfalls to Avoid’, the ‘Selection Checklist’ and ‘Ensuring a Return on Investment’.