John Rowan & Partners is working on a standard cost plan for client ABN Amro, the international bank. The consultant is developing an IT-based system that will allow the financial giant to estimate the costs of new developments worldwide based on a bank of data on past projects.

JRP has been advising ABN Amro on a global programme to rationalise space in its buildings for two years. The programme involves hundreds of projects varying in scope from relocating a few workstations within an office to moving whole departments to new premises.

JRP developed a planning tool to manage the programme, which is being overseen by Christopher Bond, JRP partner and head of retail business. He said: “ABN Amro wanted global coordination but they were relying on a fairly ad hoc system.”

JRP adapted a tool it already had for the bank’s requirements. “It allows them to track where we are with different projects, to work out what needs to be done and prioritise the work,” said Bond. He added that the overriding aim of JRP’s remit was to minimise disruption to ABN Amro’s day-to-day operations.

JRP recently finished rebranding 188 Dixons shops, transforming them into branches. The £7m roll out was completed in 22 days and carried out mainly at night. JRP is headquartered in Ealing, London.