Steven Cooper expressed an opinion (BSj 01/07) that lift designers should be given the opportunity to design systems to be used in an emergency. Well, the lift industry has done that ages ago (see BS5588-8: 1998). Also please read your CIBSE-Guide D, Chapter 6.

The CEN/TC/10 lift committee also published in September 2006 a draft standard prEN81-76 entitled: Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts – Particular applications for passengers and goods passenger lifts – Part 76: Evacuation of disabled persons using lifts.

I strongly object to only disabled persons being provided for; it is essential that we must have ‘egress for all’ just as we have ‘access for all’. I have written extensively on this subject and I believe that for little cost most lifts could be adapted for emergency egress.

Gina Barney Dr-Eur.Ing, principal, Gina Barney Associates