To Shelagh Grant, the new chief executive of the Housing Forum, one of Constructing Excellence’s sector forums

1 You only took up the chief executive’s job last month. What are your priorities?

There are several key areas. I’ll be looking at how we can engage more with private developers and at where we go after the Decent Homes programme. We need to look at where the expertise that has been accumulated through Decent Homes can go next.

I also want to look at modern construction methods. Then there are issues like energy and water use, and the liveability of housing, which we are looking at through the sustainability forum of Constructing Excellence. I feel we shouldn’t have a single issue agenda.

2 How do you feel to be heading the government-backed Housing Forum?

I am quite excited by the opportunities for housing. It has been recognised as one of the key building blocks of a successful country. The Housing Forum is a force for good that bridges all the sectors of the industry and finds the common ground.

3 One of the big concerns of the Housing Forum has been its research work on a customer-driven strategy for housing development and construction. What is that all about?

It’s a study being undertaken by a working group, chaired by John Callcutt, now chief executive of English Partnerships. It has looked at housing in the broadest sense taking into account: customer needs and preferences; land supply and planning; products, producers and processes; and community and empowerment. The scoping study poses questions such as: can homebuyer preferences be reconciled with government policy on urban renewal, the environment and sustainable communities? And how can the supply of consented land be increased and, at the same time, the quality of layout and design be improved?

4 What’s the progress on that research?

We’ve carried out the initial scoping stage. Next we are planning to run stakeholder breakfast meetings so that we can establish the key messages. That will draw out specific problems. I think we’ll be pushing at an open door. We’re aiming to have a final agenda for action ready by early next year.

5 What will happen to that agenda?

It will go to the DCLG, the DTI, and other agencies like the Housing Corporation.

A working life

What was Shelagh Grant’s previous job?

Grant was director of community services with Peterborough council before taking up the post of Housing Forum chief executive.

What else is on the CV?

Grant knows the housing sector well, having held senior housing positions in Gateshead and Newcastle upon Tyne Councils.

Anything else we should know?

Grant is a national council member of the Chartered Institute of Housing.