Peter Houlis, mD OF 2020 Vision Systems, attended the inaugural 'Safe City' conference in Kiev, Ukraine – the sole Western representative.

Safe City is a key project in Ukraine's vision for the future and through it cities will be made safer for both citizen and visitors. It marks the culmination of the country's transition into democracy and a drive to attract tourists following the ending of the visa required by EU visitors.

The conference, organised by Ukrainian technology company Inkom Corporation and local magazine F&S Security, attracted over 300 attendees from Ukraine's Police Service, Fire Inspection Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Planning, transport and city officials and the media.

The aim was to acquaint officials with the importance of planning and developing a clear strategy to maximise the benefits of urban surveillance systems associated with town and city centres, proven to play a big part in regeneration.

He spoke about designing and planning successful city centre systems, and showed examples of UK 'safe’ cities.