Delegates enjoyed two themed events in August as part of CIBSE’s 100 Days of Carbon Clean-up campaign, helping them to expand on previous ‘Clothes Off’ and ‘Lift Off’ themed days.

‘Sustainable Cooling’ took place on 17 August at the London Art House, encouraging people to address the issue of thermal comfort within the workplace.

The event looked at how a change in attitude, as well as technology, can make the workplace more comfortable for everyone. Delegates were also given the chance to view a number of example summer outfits generously provided by campaign supporter John Lewis.

Chaired by Nick Barnard of Faber Maunsell, the Sustainable Cooling seminar boasted guest speakers such as Mike Holmes from Arup, Alan Couch from Enviros Consulting, and a representative from Battle McCarthy. Relevant case studies came from the Red Kite House project and the School for Slavonic and East European studies building at University College London.

‘Greening Your Lifts’ took place on 23 August and attracted delegates keen to learn more about how to achieve energy efficient lifts within the workplace.

Held at CIBSE, the event was chaired by Graham Manly, while Mick Dalton from BIFM discussed the facilities manager’s role and Dr Gina Barney provided an in-depth look at reducing lift energy consumption. After lunch, Dr Richard Peters and Adrian Shiner from Kone plc put forward energy-saving strategies and further advice, with a question and answer session finishing the day.