Bexhill College has had its energy credentials thoroughly tested with a free energy audit, courtesy of CIBSE’s 100 Days of Carbon clean-up campaign. The college was the lucky winner of a prize draw arranged earlier this year, entitling it to a full survey carried out by CIBSE member Keith Moss.

Mr Moss recently retired after 50 years practicing and teaching in the building services industry and is now offering free energy audits to charitable organisations. The second edition of his book Energy Management in Buildings was published in January this year.

He visited Bexhill College in mid August, armed with site plans, meter readings and a background of the college.

The audit

The performance indicators for the three buildings were calculated in kWh/m2 of floor and compared with Good Practice benchmarks from the CIBSE Guide F. The results indicated an excellent rating for the use of gas and a good rating for electricity.

Following the audit, Mr Moss made a number of recommendations to improve future energy efficiency such as installing sub-meters, automatic lighting controls and focusing on electrical equipment.