Your article ‘It looks good on paper’ in the May edition of CM suggests that architects are undereducated, inexperienced and overstretched.

The majority of the issues raised in this piece seem to be due to a lack of communication, poor-quality information, misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

Clerks of Works were once regarded as the ‘eyes and ears of the architect’ on site. A CoW could resolve most of the issues raised as they would have access to the architect, could help with the interpretation of drawings, clarify details and anomalies, and, in some instances, used to be empowered to issue variations and instructions.

Sadly, there are fewer clerks of works around today because they have unfairly been seen by many contractors and site managers as a threat. Perhaps it’s time the role is resurrected and given the respect it deserves.

Steve Murray MCIOB